According to Wikipedia, there are about 4.5 million notary publics in the States vs. approx. 740 in England and Wales and 1,250 in Australia and New Zealand. In the US, you can find a notary on every corner, and at least in NC, it costs about 5 bucks for a stamp. I was recently sent… Continue reading Need to Get Something Notarized? DO NOT Go to the Embassy
Category: Places
A Room in Prague for $3.68
I was staying in one hostel here in Prague for about $8/night and really liked it – Art Hole Hostel. I was unable to find a couchsurfer in time so I needed to extend my stay a few days into the weekend but they were fully booked, so I booked three nights at Czech Inn,… Continue reading A Room in Prague for $3.68
I’ve Been Kicked Out of the UK
I really wish I had a cool story to go along with this. Maybe I should make one up. Sadly, it’s a simple case of another immigration officer being a twat. I went to Munich last week to visit a good friend. Had a great time, check out the Munich, Germany article. When I first… Continue reading I’ve Been Kicked Out of the UK
The Definitive Guide to Not Going Broke in London
This city is disastrously expensive, and doesn’t help that the exchange rate is awful. As a point of reference, a regular pint of lager (something like Kronenberg or Amstel, nothing fancy) from a tap at a typical (non-touristy) bar is about £4 – that’s around $6.50. Expect closer to £5 for anything special. A small… Continue reading The Definitive Guide to Not Going Broke in London
Poznan to Berlin to London – 17 Straight Hours of Travel
April 19, 2012 When on the road, some days are just like this. It sucks, but you have to just suck it up and chalk it up to the experience, or whatever makes you feel better. I really liked my time in Poland – the women are gorgeous, the food is cheap, I spent time… Continue reading Poznan to Berlin to London – 17 Straight Hours of Travel
Off to Poland, Suddenly
I’ve been in Berlin now for 12 days or so, and I’m totally not ready to leave. I absolutely love it. But I know I’ll be back when my friends come to visit (if I don’t end up moving there first,) so it’s time to explore another place. I met a cool Polish gal, Marta,… Continue reading Off to Poland, Suddenly
I Visit an Underground Spaceship
Berlin has so many cool underground treasures – stuff you’ll only find if you know a local. That’s the beauty of backpacking vs. tourism – I could check into the hotel and see all the stuff in the guidebooks then move on, or I could get to know some badass locals who take me to… Continue reading I Visit an Underground Spaceship
Ten Days in Copenhagen, Denmark
It’s usually more economically feasible to travel by land to countries bordering the one you’re in now. So why did I go from Italy straight to Denmark? Top Gear Live. A 90 minute live show from the hosts of my favorite TV show – Top Gear. “You flew across the continent for a 90 minute… Continue reading Ten Days in Copenhagen, Denmark
Black & White Hostel Review
I’ll admit, my first impression of this place wasn’t so great. It was late at night, I couldn’t find it, and the only identifier that you’re in the right place is a small sign on the intercom, which you have to call to get in each time. The hostel itself is all of about one hallway with four dorms and two bathrooms, no common room or kitchen, no lockers, and is often noisy at night.
Well, That was Awkward
So last night I was walking down the street in Milan, looking for a late-night snack. Saw a tent sign for a Kebab place standing next to a cardboard standup cutout of Fonzie, which I thought was a bit strange, but stood next to it trying to decipher the sign for 15 seconds or so.… Continue reading Well, That was Awkward